Bharat Mirror English
Education State News

eKal Academy organizes UniFair, a global window to higher education

Ahmedabad: eKal Academy, the digital learning initiative of Kalorex Group, organized the eKal UniFair 2023, a virtual platform that connected students and parents with representatives from 28 leading universities across the globe.

The event facilitated insightful interactions with universities from the US, Canada, Ireland, Japan, UAE, Australia, and Singapore.

Students and parents from across the nation joined the live online interactive sessions with delegates from universities from across the globe, gaining information about various aspects of higher education. From the cost of living and lifestyle to educational opportunities, housing options, and more, the fair provided a detailed understanding of each country and its universities.

“We are thrilled with the overwhelming response to eKal UniFair 2023. The initiative aligns with Kalorex’s missions to support students in their educational journey by ensuring they connect with the right people and access the correct information,” said Mukesh Garg, Digital Head, eKal Academy

Admission officers from prestigious universities shared valuable insights into the college application process. They also shed light on what institutes look for when assessing applications, common mistakes to avoid, and how to go the extra mile to make one’s application stand out.

UniFair 2023 demystified the college admission process, ranging from shortlisting academic institutes, interacting with college representatives, and securing a coveted sport in students’ chosen universities. It allowed students to get the right information on scholarships, financial aid, course requirements, living costs, and visa processes from university experts themselves.

UniFair 2023 lived up to Kalorex’s mission of supporting students in continuous professional development and grooming them into glocal and lifelong learners.

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